Návšteva skautov z Michiganu (Visit of scouts from Michigan)
Fotogaléria > 2010 > Návšteva skautov z Michiganu (Visit of scouts from Michigan)Fotografie z návštevy skautov z USA v Bratislave. V prvý deň sme sa stretli v našej klubovni a zahrali si niekoľko veselých hier, keďže vonku pršalo. V piatok sme si pozreli Bratislavský hrad a Bratislavu a popoludní sme išli loďou na Devín. Sobota bola v znamení výletu na Červený Kameň a jaskyňu Driny. V nedeľu sme sa hýbali a športovali. Najprv plážový volejbal a futbal, popoludní lanové centrum. Pondelok bol už len v znamení rozlúčky (Pictures from the visit of scouts from USA in Bratislava. During first day we played some games in our small clubroom. Unfortunately, it was raining outside. On Friday we made look to Bratislava Castle ad during afternoon we went by boat to ruins fom devin castle. Saturday was devoted to the visit of Cerveny Kamen (Red Stone) Castle and Driny Cave. We did a lot of sports during Sunday. Beach volleybal and futbal for the beginning and ropes course in the afternoon. Monday was devoted only to farewell.)